The Green Wave

The Green Wave, a documentary that depicts the wave of protests against government vote-rigging in Iran. The film blends filmed footage from the crowd, as well as an illustrated ‘motion comic’ aesthetic to depict the hardship of Iran’s people against state-orchestrated violence.

Directed by Ali Samadi Ahadi and featuring the motion direction of Professor Sina Mostafawy and Ali Soozandeh, The Green Wave will be playing in Dublin, Sheffield, London, Aberdeen and Bradford throughout October and November 2011.

From the website:
“THE GREEN WAVE is a touching documentary-collage illustrating the dramatic events and telling about the feelings of the people behind this revolution. Facebook reports, Twitter messages and videos posted in the internet were included in the film composition, and hundreds of real blog entries served as reference for the experiences and thoughts of two young students, whose story is running through the film as the main thread.”

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